Day: April 19, 2017

  • OD – evaluation of process and result

    Unfortunately, evaluation is often ignored by OD professionals and their clients. In this chapter, the importance of evaluation is stressed, along with some suggestions of how evaluation can be done so as to counter the objections often put forward. Many approaches to evaluation are reviewed, with advantages and disadvantages of each. Again, because it is…

  • OD – implementation : community and national levels

    A relatively recent phenomenon, especially in the global context, has been the application of OD principles, values, and techniques in community contexts and at national levels. In a world increasingly threatened with violence, the skill set of experienced OD professionals has the possibility of offering that expertise to communities, nations, regions, and worldwide nongovernmental organizations…

  • OD – implementation : organizational level

    At the organizational level, the most important interventions improve strategic thinking and strategic alignment. Important OD contributions to this process included in this chapter are organization design; company-wide survey; learning organization; organizational learning; culture change; accountability and reward systems; succession planning; valuing differences/diversity; mission, vision, values, and philosophy development; strategic planning; large-scale interactive events; open…

  • OD – implementation : global level

    This chapter explores the meaning of culture in a country context, describes the difficulties of changing organizational culture in the midst of varying country cultures, and suggests implications for OD practice in organizations consisting of varying country cultures and subcultures. In addition to considering specific OD-related issues, it also discusses common theories of culture applicable…

  • OD Implementation- Process Level

    The process level focuses on organizational processes, including many concepts associated with quality improvement, including continuous process improvement/total quality management, six sigma, business process reengineering, benchmarking/best practices, and sociotechnical systems. Tingkat proses berfokus pada proses organisasi, termasuk banyak konsep terkait dengan peningkatan kualitas, termasuk terus menerus proses perbaikan / manajemen mutu total, six-sigma, rekayasa ulang…